Dear Mister President,

trumpnotmypresidentDear Mister President,

look at you all grown up, always mad about something, and out of anger you make a fool of yourself.

you ought to be ashamed of yourself, acting like you do.

as “president” of the United States, you would think you would do a better job at what you do but apparently, you know nothing about leadership or what it takes to be a leader because if you did i wouldn’t be wasting my time writing this stupid letter.

but then again, who am i to tell you what to do??

i guess i am no one special but i’m sure i’m not the only one waiting for “america to be great again” but we all know with you as “president” it will never happen, and it will only get worse!

well thank you for your time “Mister President” -this one is for you

proverbs 29:11 fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.


(picture taken by unknown)

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