00933CEB-6CE9-4E3C-B0D3-1588AED90A91it’s so hard to let go of something that you have been holding onto for so long.

and maybe it’s just me but it’s hard when you don’t know if there is someone who will cherish what you’ve had as much as you did, but the truth is i can’t hold on forever.

that would be foolish of me! foolish to hold onto something that no longer belongs to me.

i have done my part and now it’s someone else’s turn.

and i know it is going to take some time for me to get used too but please don’t take it personal it’s just that it took me a long time to build up someone so strong and BEAUTIFUL and the last thing i want to do is pick up the pieces of a broken heart.


she deserves nothing but the BEST!!

so please . . .

take care of what i am trusting you with.

and all i ask is that you HANDLE with CARE!!!!

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