you will NEVER understand

23%20Homeless2DO you EVER find YOURSELF comparing YOURSELF to OTHERS??

Has there been a TIME in YOUR life when YOU think to YOURSELF why YOU?? Why NOT someone ELSE??

Have YOU ever HATED yourself for WHO you ARE or WHO you have BECOME??

Are there THINGS about YOURSELF that you WISH you COULD change?? (things you THINK if YOU could CHANGE you WOULD be PERFECT)

HOW would you FEEL if SOMEONE told YOU they WISH they were YOU or THEY wish THEY had a LIFE like YOURS??

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WHY do we LOOK down on OTHERS for WHO they ARE, WHAT they DO, WHAT they LOOK like, WHAT they WEAR, WHERE they LIVE, WHAT they DRIVE, or WHERE they WORK. Why do we JUDGE them rather THAN accept THEM for WHO they ARE??

Just BECAUSE someone is DIFFERENT doesn’t MAKE them DIFFERENT; everyone is DIFFERENT but EVERYONE is the SAME. Everyone is DIFFERENT in their OWN way.

EVERYONE also has a DIFFERENT way of LIVING weather YOU like it or NOT they do.

JUST because YOU know of SOMEONE doesn’t mean KNOW them, where they’ve BEEN or what they are GOING through, BUT what if YOU did??

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WHAT if YOU always WANTED to TELL someone you NOTICED their CUTS and BRUISES and WONDERED if MAYBE they were getting ABUSED but NEVER had the COURAGE to. And the ONE day you FINALLY get the COURAGE to SAY something they STOP going to SCHOOL, what do YOU do??

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She WOKE up and LOOKED in the MIRROR to SEE how her EYE was but NOTHING had CHANGED from the NIGHT before. Her EYE still BLOOD shot RED with a DARK purple ring AROUND her RIGHT eye. She was HOPING she would WAKE up and it WOULD be GONE.

She COULDN’T miss ANOTHER day of SCHOOL but she COULDN’T go in LOOKING like THAT. She’s BEEN gone for a WEEK now and EVERYONE’S getting WORRIED that ISN’T like her to MISS school.

She COULD cover the BRUISES on her ARMS but there was NO way of HIDING her BLACK eye. She THOUGHT to HERSELF it would be BEST to STAY away from EVERYONE and EVERYTHING and PLUS she RAN out of EXCUSES of what to say HAPPENED every time she CAME to SCHOOL with cuts, BUMPS and BRUISES. She was TIRED of the TEACHERS trying to GET the TRUTH out of her. She KNEW if ANYONE found out her BOYFRIEND was RESPONSIBLE for ALL the MARKS and ALL the PAIN it WOULD only MAKE things WORSE. . .

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WHAT if you NOTICED deep CUTS on SOMEONE’s wrist only to FIND out that is their WAY of TRYING to take AWAY their PAIN?? What WOULD you DO??

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He goes to HIS room and LOCKS the DOOR, he ONLY needs a FEW minutes ALONE. HE reaches UNDER his BED for a BOX he KEEPS with his PERSONL things. He looks for his BLADE, lifts his SLEEVE to his LONG sleeve SHIRT and FINDS a PLACE to SLIT his WRIST. (he lets out a SIGH of RELIEF) IT feels so GOOD, he FEELS no PAIN. EVERYTIME he LOOKS at how DEEP and UGLY his SCARS on his WRIST are he WISHES there was ANOTHER way to TAKE all the PAIN away WITHOUT leaving SCARS. . .

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What if SOMEONE you KNEW told YOU they were TIRED of DRINKING and PARTYING. What ADVICE would YOU give THEM if they TOLD you EVERYTIME they TRIED to STOP both DRINKING and PARTYING they ALWAYS end up going OUT no MATTER how HARD they TRIED not to??

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She has a BIGG headache. She LOOKS at her PHONE to check the TIME, it’s ALMOST ONE. She WANTS to GET up but then AGAIN she WANTS to go BACK to SLEEP. She FINALLY gets up to USE the BATHROOM. THERE are people EVERYWHERE. There are FRIENDS and FRIENDS of FRIENDS passed OUT all over the PLACE. She LOOKS around there are BEER bottles and BEER cans EVERYWHERE, some HERE some THERE, SOME full some EMPTY. She DOESN’T remember much of the NIGHT before.

(thinking to HERSELF) another HANG over?? What HAPPENED to NEVER drinking AGAIN?? She WONDERS if SHE is EVER going to LEARN!!

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SAY you’re OUT walking DOWN town and you PASS someone going through the GARBAGE do you STOP and HELP by giving THEM some MONEY or do you WALK on by PRETENDING you don’t SEE them??

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HE hates WALKING the STREETS because he always GETS mean LOOKS and when he DOESN’T get MEAN looks he gets STARED at. He WISHES people WOULD understand he REALLY was a NICE guy if ONLY they GOT to know HIM.

He REFUSES to HOLD a SIGN begging for MONEY. The last THING he NEEDS is SOMEONE to FEEL sorry for HIM. While some are GETTING ready for WORK and OTHERS getting ready for SCHOOL he is GETTING ready to LOOK for SOMETHING to EAT. He goes through GARBAGES looking for LEFT OVERS. He sometimes FINDS clothes and UNWANTED things THROWN away. He ONLY takes WHAT he CAN hold. He HOPES he is LUCKY and FINDS a COUPLE of BLACKETS since it’s been out COLD lately.

EVERYDAY at about four he WALKS over to the PARK to MEET up with a FEW of HIS friends. He ENJOYS his TIME talking and LAUGHING with THOSE he CALLS his FRIENDS.

At the END of the DAY he GOES to a PLACE he calls “home” SAD and LONELY he BUNDLES up at the END of a DARK alley right BESIDE a GARBAGE can, where NO one can SEE him. He thanks GOD for ANOTHER day but is ASHAMED and EMBARRASSED to CALL the STREETS his HOME. . .

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WHAT if SOMEONE you KNEW came to YOU with a CONFESSION. WHAT do YOU do or SAY when they TELL you their CONFESSION is that they TRADE their LOVE for MONEY?

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It was almost TIME for her DATE she had 2 HOURS to get READY. She took a QUICK shower, did her HAIR, her NAILS, and FOUND something CUTE to WEAR. She was a LITTLE nervous but she was USED to it. She goes out EVERYDAY of the WEEK except on MONDAYS she gives herself a day to “REST” Every night is DIFFERENT she NEVER knows what to EXPECT.

After ANOTHER long NIGHT she gets HOME takes off her jewelry and throws her jewelry and money on the dresser. She takes a shower TRYING to CLEAN herself as GOOD as she COULD. She FEELS so DIRTY and THINKS by taking a SHOWER it WILL wash AWAY all her THOUGHTS and WASH away ALL her LOW-self ESTEEM.

EVERY night she CRIES herself to SLEEP. She THINKS about WHAT she “does” and WHY she “does” it. She does IT to FEEL loved, even THOUGH she knows that ISN’T the TRUE meaning of LOVE. This has been going on for 3 years now. She HATED herself for WHO she has BECOME. She NEVER felt so UGLY and DISGUSTED with HERSELF until that NIGHT. The THINGS she was TOLD and the WAY she was HANDLED by the GUY she was with THAT night. With SO MANY guys in and OUT of her LIFE she PRAYS that MAYBE one DAY SOMEONE will HOLD her and NEVER let her GO, SOMEONE who will LOVE her for WHO she is, not for WHAT she CAN do. BUT she knows THAT is NEVER going to HAPPEN, no ONE will LOVE her ESPECIALLY because of WHAT she does, so she WILL continue to do WHAT she DOES best and THAT is TRADING her LOVE for MONEY. . .

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WHAT if YOU were the REASON a CLOSE friend STARTED taking DRUGS?? YOU may NOT be the REASON for their ADDICTION but how WOULD you FEEL knowing YOU were the REASON they STARTED doing DRUGS??

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He’s ALMOST out so he MAKES a PHONE call. HE tells them he needs MORE and he NEEDS it NOW, and that he will MEET them at the SAME place at the SAME time!! He ALWAYS did WHATEVER it TOOK and PAID whatever the PRICE was TO make SURE he ALWAYS had what HE needed. HE didn’t CARE where he WAS or WHO was AROUND he was so ADDICTED no one or NOTHING could STOP him from doing LINES of COCAINE. It was the ONLY thing KEEPING him ALIVE. He was CONVINCED that WITHOUT his DRUGGS he would DIE. Once he TRIED to STOP but his ADDICTION was WORSE than he THOUGHT. An ADDICTION so BADD it cost HIM his LIFE. According to AUTOPSY a DRUGG OVERDOSE was his CAUSE of DEATH.

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So WHAT if YOU knew what SOMEONE was GOING through, WOULD you JUDGE them for WHO they ARE or what they’re GOING through??

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We all HAVE one LIFE and ONE life ONLY.

It’s UP to YOU how YOU want to LIVE your LIFE.

Some LIVE day by DAY, waiting for SOMETHING to HAPPEN. They LIVE their LIFE as it COMES; while others MAKE the BEST of their LIFE. They don’t have TIME to SETTLE for LIFE as it COMES but ONLY have TIME to MAKE something out of NOTHING. They BELIEVE life is WHAT you MAKE it!!

Are you WHERE you WANT to BE in LIFE?? Or is there SOME work that NEEDS to be DONE in ORDER for YOU to BE where YOU want to BE??

When LIFE gets TOUGH remember there’s SOMEONE who has it WORSE!!

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ARE you THAT someone WHO is QUICK to JUDGE??

ARE you that SOMEONE who LOOKS down on OTHERS wondering WHY they CHOOSE to LIVE the LIFE the WAY they DO?? AND when YOU do YOU give them that LOOK thinking –you JUST don’t UNDERSTAND!!!

If YOU are that “SOMEONE” have you EVER stopped to THINK maybe they are LOOKING at YOU while YOU are LOOKING at them with the THOUGHT –“you will NEVER understand”

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

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